Starting conversations: some photographs and quotes

We used photographs a lot in the  project. First in the initial focus groups  to explore what safety and vulnerability meant to older people in stage one. In stage two we used photographs in our discussion with one person who did not converse easily and they helped  to open up discussion.   Also in this stage we used photographs with a short sentence below at our final meeting with this person so we could review together the information they had given and check that they were happy for it shared.  Finally we used  pictures with quotations on power point slides to share our findings at events with practitioners, older people and their carers. We thought the attached short presentation could be used to promote  discussion in staff training sessions or with groups of older people. We chose not to give each slide a theme but to let the quote and picture be interpreted by the people who saw it. People often interpret the same photo or quotation in different ways.

Presentation used with older people in discussion groups